Monday, December 31, 2012
A Past Unknown - Vainglory
Malignancy - Eugenics
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Ascariasis - Ocean of Colour [EP]
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Enthroned - Pentagrammation
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Upcoming Reviews
I plan on writing reviews on the following bands:
A Past Unknown (metalcore)
Malignancy (technical death)
Swallow the Sun (melodic death)
Ascariasis (deathcore)
Absvrdist (grindcore)
Trauma (death metal)
Foreboding Ether (technical death)
Beherit (black metal)
Destruction (thrash metal)
Enthroned (black metal)
Dimmu Borgir (symphonic black)
Gutted (death grind)
Altar of Pain (death metal)
Gloom (death metal)
Cannibal Corpse (death metal)
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Android App
Ok, the Blogger app for Android is officially AWESOME!! The UI is much better and I can be one of those uber blogger nerds! Will I be making mobile posts regularly? Probably not. I'll be posting an "Upcoming Reviews" post tomorrow to help me get started on writing since I haven't done it in a while.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Crinn's Top 30 Albums of 2012
Why such a big number like 30 instead of 15 or 20? Because 2012 is one of THE BEST years the heavy metal genre has EVER seen! This was a hard list for me to put together (except for the album that got the #1 spot), but I finally pulled it together. All of these albums are truly amazing, and they aren't the only amazing metal albums that were put out this year. If I've written a review on the album, click on the album title to view the review. Here are the top 10:
10. The Faceless - Autotheism (Sumerian Records) (Technical Death)
9. Eluveitie - Helvetios (Nuclear Blast Records) (Folk Metal)

8. Enslaved - RIITIIR (Nuclear Blast Records) (Progressive Black)

7. Epica - Requiem for the Indifferent (Nuclear Blast Records) (Symphonic Metal)
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
New Partner in Crime: Louder Than Hell
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Swallow the Sun - Emerald Forest and the Blackbird
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Wedard - Eiskrieg [EP]
Upcoming Reviews
Diskreet (technical death)
Soreption (technical death)
For Today (metalcore)
Ensiferum (folk metal)
Swallow the Sun (melodic death)
Goatwhore (thrash black)
Destruction (thrash metal)
Absvrdist (grindcore)
Putridity (brutal death)
Wedard (depressive black metal)
Enthroned (black metal)
Mayan (progressive death)
As I Lay Dying (metalcore)
Insomnium (melodic death)
Final Thoughts (depressive black metal)
Bilskirnir (depressive black metal)
Beherit (black metal)
Thunderbolt (black metal)
Suicidal Euphoria (depressive black metal)
Atheretic - Apocalyptic Nature Fury
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Awesome Scott Conner Interview
I'm not ready to state an official pos/neg opinion on it because even though I listen to A LOT of non-metal stuff, this is like nothing I've ever heard before in my life. To be honest, it was pretty weird at first listen, but it's one of those things where it eventually starts to grow on you in the exact same way that Xasthur does. I guess Scott unintentionally writes music that takes a little getting used to before one can fully take it in, understand it, and enjoy it. In fact, I highly doubt that I will ever even review it because I don't know what the hell I'd say in the review. In other words, I didn't know what to think at first, but so far, I've come to quickly love it and have become addicted to it. I HIGHLY recommend that if you have $13 to spare that you should give it to him so that he'll send you a copy of it.
Anyway, because I'm a diehard Xasthur fan, I want to know about the background story behind the demented project that lasted over a decade. This is the interview where you get an EXTREMELY in-depth and raw explanation of Xasthur, the history behind it, the reasoning behind the lyrical themes, and a lot about hating people and the struggles that Scott went through during the Xasthur era. As well as that, Scott gives you an early in-depth look into Nocturnal Poisoning, which is actually quite interesting! Follow the link below to read the interview.
Click here for the official Nocturnal Poisoning/Disharmonic Variations website/blog
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Roadrunner Records is Dying
What happens first? Because of bad business, Roadrunner is forced to close their European HQ. BIG FUCKING LOSS for RR because Europe, especially Germany, where their office was located, has a MUCH healthier music industry than that of the United States. This was back in April of this year.
Next, the guy who is 70% responsible for the label's success, A&R executive Monte Conner, after being the president for the label for more than TWO WHOLE DECADES steps down from his position and leaves RR all together! So now, the label no longer has one of the best band-recruiting machines in the history of professional music, and are now stuck with a bunch of half-asses that they're obviously just talking nice about to maintain their disintegrating reputation. Read the more detailed Metal Injection article on that incident and the post on RR's website here:
What I just did recently was check out the good ol' RR site to see if they had recruited any fresh meat. Well guess what I found: the biggest heavy metal record label in history currently has a roster of only 29 bands. Does that seem like a lot to you? Let's take a look at other metal labels that aren't nearly as mainstream as Roadrunner: Century Media currently has a roster of 92 bands and artists, Relapse Records currently has 73 artists, Victory Records has 70, and Metal Blade Records takes the cake with a whopping 117 bands that are CURRENTLY on their roster! 29 bands? 29 FUCKING BANDS!? And not only that, ALL OF THEM ARE MAJOR BANDS! Listen guys, I know that since you're a mainstream metal record label, you're money-whores, it's not a secret. But I never knew that you were going to be THAT DAMN PICKY about the bands they sign! Sometimes it's a really good thing to sign underground bands because if you have a good A&R guy (hint hint!!!!) that knows good music that has potential when he/she hears it, then you'll sign unknown bands that then get your promotion therefore selling awesome records and getting you the damn money you want.
Roadrunner Records is going down the drain, and I'm hoping that all the bands that are still signed on to them are seeing that are are doing what they can to get the hell out of there. Opeth has already gone through that once, when KOCH records went out of business and got bought by a metal-hating label, Opeth was label-less until good-ol Monte Conner swept them out of the dust to then have them release their two most successful albums of their career, Ghost Reveries and Watershed (and then Heritage in 2011).
Music Banter